Hello there!

I’m Konrad, and the first of my New Year’s resolutions was to resurrect and refresh my personal page.

Since this is now done, we can go straight into my second resolution which is: start a blog.

Why? Even though I don’t plan on publishing/promoting this anywhere (which means barely anyone will ever read this), I believe that there is something in translating your ideas, problems, and their solutions, etc. on “paper”. It helps me to structure my thoughts and maybe will help you, dear reader, when you’ll find here something useful or something you didn’t know. Who knows.

So what I’ll be writing about? Various things, but most often posts will be technical and touching:

  • programming
  • all the DevOps stuff
  • Linux (I currently use Nix and manage my full system configuration here, so for sure expect something of that)
  • interesting open-source software I found useful and wanted to share
  • occasionally I may write about my other hobbies such as cycling, games, books… hell, maybe even cooking.

Posts will be relatively short I think. I don’t put any bounds, neither I want to restrict/force myself to write less/more, but I think I’ll naturally go into a short, concise text. I don’t plan to publish in any specific intervals. Posts will appear irregularly. There will be months without anything new, but there may be weeks where I’ll post multiple new texts.

So let’s get rolling. I’m sure it won’t be a wasted time for any of us!