
A quick tip this time.

Sometimes you stumble on that one blog post that dramatically improves your life. Autosquashing Git Commits post from thoughtbot was such an improvement for me recently.

The problem

You’re working on a merge request, pushing commit after commit. You’re in “the flow”.

Suddenly you realize - in the commit you’ve just pushed, there is a bug/typo/simple mistake, whatever. You want to change it, but the commit is already there. Easy peasy, just git commit --amend it. Done.

But… what if you committed A, then committed B, but while working on C you’ve found a bug that A introduced? Or a change that really should’ve been placed along with the commit A?

The solution

Usually, at this stage, I committed the change, then I did git rebase --interactive HEAD~4 or something like that, then I moved commits around and used either fixup or squash. It does work, but it’s not ideal. It involves many steps, you need to manually rearrange the commits every single time. It’s distracting. Of course, I could just move ahead and rebase at the very end, but I’m sure that I’d forget that, especially if there were more commits like that.

Is there a better way? Sure, that’s the whole point of this post! Actually, there are two better ways:

  • git commit --fixup <rev>
  • git commit --squash <rev>

What’s that? Easy. The fixup one, commits your changes, but automatically creates a commit message so that it will contain fixup! <message of rev>. Squash works analogously, but creates squash! <message of rev>.

Why is that so neat? Well, because now, when you run git rebase --interactive --autosquash ... (notice the last flag) then git will automatically place your commits correctly (right after the rev you specified) and will add the proper rebase verb (fixup or squash).

Great! I had one instant question: how can I tell git to always use --autosquash? Well: git config --global rebase.autosquash true. Done.

One last thing. Finding the <rev> to fixup or squash is a little inconvenient. Usually, I open git log, copy the sha, etc… Is there an easier way? Sure! This is another thing I’ve learned from that article: you can refer to commits by their commit message! So to fixup a commit with the message “fix: null reference bug” you can just use git commit --fixup :/null. Note that this will always refer to the latest commit with the matching message, keep that in mind.

Quick example

Current state:

commit 000e92965066ad7494b392ec51e3f573777ef1b4 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:25:57 2023 +0200

    refactor(shell): starship tuning

commit d52f126d62c020bfdb7782594d5d69e146c80ab3
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:15:23 2023 +0200

    feat(tmux): cleaner theme

commit c7311af61600e7f13c31f472840d9fbd08d391c0
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 18:22:35 2023 +0200

    feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl

Let’s assume I’ve changed some files related to shlvl configuration (starship) and want to add them to c7311af6:

$ git commit --fixup :/shlvl

New state:

commit 5c62951708d2f75cbedc7810f467c001105e541e (HEAD -> main)
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 23:03:18 2023 +0200

    fixup! feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl

commit 000e92965066ad7494b392ec51e3f573777ef1b4 (origin/main)
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:25:57 2023 +0200

    refactor(shell): starship tuning

commit d52f126d62c020bfdb7782594d5d69e146c80ab3
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:15:23 2023 +0200

    feat(tmux): cleaner theme

commit c7311af61600e7f13c31f472840d9fbd08d391c0
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 18:22:35 2023 +0200

    feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl


# no need for --autosquash if you've set the global option like me
$ git rebase --autosquash --interactive @~5

What git rebase windows shows (notice all commits are already correctly reordered and with proper verbs):

pick f041654 feat: rpi4 images as packages
pick c7311af feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl
fixup 5c62951 fixup! feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl
# here ^
pick d52f126 feat(tmux): cleaner theme
pick 000e929 refactor(shell): starship tuning

And finally, after rebase:

commit c0fc2e83937b55d2ed95ab986ff636acb4da1939 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:25:57 2023 +0200

    refactor(shell): starship tuning

commit 21c8c26f44fc117c457df37b2973cbbb2a150122
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 22:15:23 2023 +0200

    feat(tmux): cleaner theme

commit 74666cc140411c11f3b20f7c911cf10cf64f11db
Author: Konrad Malik <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Mar 28 18:22:35 2023 +0200

    feat(shell): add flash-to and enable shlvl



First, read the original article.

Second, enable rebase.autosquash in your git config.

Third, if referring to revs by a part of a message blew your mind just like mine, type man gitrevisions, read it, and thank me later.